
U.educate team and beneficiaries

U.Educate Africa Donates to Internally Displaced kids.

“Nobody has ever given me a gift! I am very happy with this donation from U.Educate Africa,”

13 years old Naomi cried with joy as she received her gift from U.Educate Africa.

For kids growing up in a war-torn area, trauma can sometimes affect their self-esteem. It is important for these children to be quickly taken charge of and exposed to opportunities for growth.

Little Naomi, an internally displaced person (IDP) at Groupe Scolaire Bilingue Penda in Douala, couldn’t hold back her tears while receiving gifts from U.Educate Africa last December 16, 2021. While in tears, she explained that with her mom, they had to run from home in the crisis-hit North West region of Cameroon. That was how they found themselves in the country’s economic capital which is now overly populated with IDPs from the crisis regions.

Naomi receiving food items and didactic material from U.Educate Africa
Naomi receiving food items and didactic material from U.Educate Africa

Like Naomi, U.Educate Africa identified and supported 22 other students from this institution and their families with gifts and food items. As we spoke to the children individually, it became clearer that a gap needed to be bridged between their desire for success and the lack of opportunities and a conducive learning environment. We then decided to show them, love.

So, we at U.Educate Africa thought of doing so by gifting these children, to create contact with them and let them know they are loved. 23 of them did not have either a pair of uniforms, complete exercise books or textbooks. And so, with the help of individual donors, U.Educate Africa was able to donate these didactic materials to the children who were very happy upon receiving them.

As our Community Manager, Eduke Nadesh said at the occasion, the gifts are an expression of how much love the organization has for kids and an encouragement to go on with their lives no matter the hardship they currently face.

Reactions to the Donations

The children joyfully welcomed U.Educate Africa with songs, ballet performances, and a deliciously cooked traditional meal (fufu and eru). The school administrators were very happy to receive support for their school pupils.

The headteacher, Mr Ehabe Rodrigues explained that despite the hardship the students and teachers are facing, they are making conscious efforts to be the best versions of themselves daily.

Mr Ehabe Rodrigues, headteacher of Groupe Scolaire Bilingue Penda (to the right)

“I have told these pupils that although they may not have the money to afford tuition, or to purchase a school uniform, they should not stop attending classes. We are committed to giving them an education regardless of their financial ability to afford our services. For now, we are focusing on teaching them how to read and write English, and how to do basic mathematics. We believe if they master these basics, they will be able to succeed in their studies”

The current crisis has not favored these displaced families and children in many ways. They can’t easily afford their livelihood in addition to costs related to getting a basic education.

Mr Ehabe said

U.Educate Africa made this donation because we want to show our love and support for parents and children who understand the value of education and are willing to go the extra mile to attain it.

We strongly believe these children each have a seed of greatness in them that needs to be watered. We hope that this donation will water those seeds in their hearts and encourage them to never give up in life. What we donated won’t take care of all their needs, but will hopefully communicate how much we love them and care about their future. We are confident that these internally displaced children are all emerging leaders for the nation of Cameroon.

Join us in advocating and bringing forth a new breed of African leaders by partaking in our activities and being the best version of you.

About U.Educate Africa

U.Educate Africa is a registered non-profit organisation that aims at disrupting the traditional approach to education and unleashing the potential of Africans. Through its activities, it advocates for excellence in leadership and technology innovation. They have a focus on developing great leaders who will understand their personal brand and then liberate the holistic potential of local African economies.

U.Educate Africa puts the human being at the core of its activities and invests in the development of their potential. If you have an opportunity of helping any of these kids around you, do not hesitate to do so. Take the challenge today, and help an Internally Displaced child or any child facing educational challenges and invest in them.

You can connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn @U.EducateAfrica

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