
African women in entrepreneurship: challenges, solutions and opportunities

In this global world, almost all countries have been treating women as less equal than men. So, they face many hurdles when they try to do something better for their life. These unnecessary barriers limit their abilities, skills, and passion. If they get a job or any opportunity to do according to their skills then they do not get an equal salary to their male colleagues. 

This is the story of almost all countries and their women are treated like a brainless thing but here in this piece we will be talking about the women of Africa. In, Africa, there are thousands of women entrepreneurs which are increasing the global economy steadily. They fulfill their duties as a residence of their country and contribute almost 40% to the economy. 

As we know that most states of Africa are facing poverty because they are still undeveloped, facing gender discrimination and civil war. Apart from all these issues, a large number of African women have managed their businesses but this is not easy for them to succeed. They are facing a lot of problems with respect to their daily life.

I- Challenges of African Women Entrepreneurs 

African women entrepreneurs are facing many challenges, let us uncover some of these!

1- Personal, social, and custom Problems

There is a general overview of people all around the world that a woman can give her best as a home responsible person and as a mother, so this concept is also being followed in Africa. So, if any woman tries to plan or settle her own business for the better life of her and her family then she faces different types of problems.

2- Personal issues:

  • Lack of self confidence

Personal issues first and the main issue is self-confidence. She may not has enough confidence to make a decision. When a female starts a new business she faces moments of self-doubt and judges herself with the other’s opinion. Week mental outlook and optimistic attitude create a fear of loss and mistakes during work. 

  • Social and Custom issues

An African woman also facing social and custom issues from their society and men of her family, no matter what is his relation with her; a husband, brother, or father. Men of their society try to stick her with family and bound her in motherhood or a housekeeper. 

Along with this, they are facing some hurdles in the name of customs, cultural values, and social ethics. Gender discrimination is a key factor to let them down and sometimes the background of her in-laws influences her. 

3 -Technical and Financial problems

  • Financial issues

Most women do not have enough funds to set up a new business and no one helps her financially. Institutes that provide financial help to people for setup business are generally doubtful about the seriousness and abilities of women. So, these financial institutes do not give them financial aid that’s why women entrepreneurs are suffering from insufficient financial resources.  

  • Technical issues 

Sometimes lack of raw material, delays in getting business licenses, unskilled co-workers, unfavorable circumstances, the permission of water and electrical connection and lack of technical skills all are issues that hit them technically.

II- Solutions for African Women entrepreneurs

We have mentioned some common problems of the entrepreneur women in Africa. Now we are going to tell you some general solution to all these issues, here we go:

    • In a male dominated society, a woman entrepreneur has to build her confidence in getting a lesson from other successful women entrepreneurs and get tips from their experiences. 
    • Always dreaming big and not letting the fear of failure play with a thoughtful mind. Do not waste precious time on perfection before starting any kind of business. 
    • In a male dominated society with all negative comments remaining true to what is she and finding her ability are the keys to raising the level of success up. 
    • To overcome financial issues to get help from other female investors. Look around other women investors who are facing the same issues then get their support. 
    •  Female entrepreneurs can increase the essential assets for their business by learning to ask for exactly what they need.
    • Successful female entrepreneurs can build a proper support system to newbies for setting their businesses. 
    • A parent female entrepreneur has dual responsibilities to her family and business. For equal and balanced work-home life, she will have to devote the time wisely and equally is a key of unbeaten success.                 

III- Opportunities for African Female entrepreneurs 

In every society, there are always some positive things are existing so that African society is also holding some great opportunities for the working and entrepreneur women. 

Here we go:

  • Education 

As we know that African countries are suffering from a high level of illiteracy and women of this society do not have enough knowledge or specialization in any field. For the betterment of society, it is necessary to provide educational facilities equally to women as they are being provided to men. In African society there are many institutes that are working for providing educational opportunities to women. 

  • Training 

With the best educational policies for the female community in African countries, there are also some institutes which are providing proper training to entrepreneur women. These pieces of training help female entrepreneurs to deal with all hurdles and get success steadily. 

These training modules promote entrepreneurship culture among female citizens. 

  • Financial support 

As we have mentioned above, African female entrepreneurs are facing the biggest problem while starting a new business is a lack of funds. This financial issue lets them down and damage their dreams. 

For this issue, United Nations Development Funds for Women is being used broadly in almost all parts of Africa to help entrepreneur women but the matter of fact is that it is not much effective for them. 

There are many other NGO’s, banks and some financial institutes who are providing funds to women entrepreneurs. These platforms are encouraging female entrepreneurs to start up their own business and take a strong part in improving the country’s economy. 

All these opportunities identify and figure out networks for women entrepreneurs across Africa!

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